Thursday, January 19, 2012

Birthday Boy

We have had a lot going on this past week. Yesterday was Sean's birthday, so we have been doing a lot of fun things to celebrate. It started with Sean calling me up randomly on his day off saying "What if I bought an iPhone?" We talked about it a little and decided it would probably be okay, and could be a birthday present. Next thing I know, he's calling me from his new iPhone. He got the 4s, which means he has Siri. We like to call Siri his 2nd wife, haha. He sure loves her. Sean will tease me that I can't set appointments for him, or alarms, or give him directions, or do math problems as quickly as she can. But she can't cook or clean for him like I do, so we agree I'm a better wife. Last Wednesday, my dad took my family out to dinner at Texas Roadhouse for my sister and Sean's birthday (their birthday's are a few days apart). Jen lucked out, Sean was forced to ride the saddle this time.

Last Friday, Sean's awesome brother in law, Karl, and I planned a little surprise birthday party for him at Boondocks. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures but we had a good time. The next day, we woke up early and drove to San Diego! Such a long drive...

I love palm trees.

When we got to California, we walked along the beach for a mile and a half to eat at a fancy restaurant called The Green Flash. On the walk there, we kept smelling marijuana, haha, and we couldn't figure out how no matter how far we walked, we kept smelling it. After about a mile, we realized it was the guys walking right in front of us. Oh boy. Sean and I joked that we could have gotten a contact high, but we both got real hungry... maybe we did. Just kidding, we probably didn't. 

Eating dinner on the beach!

The next morning we went to Sea World. My favorite place in the world! I was so excited to go with Sean. They had a deal that day, where season passes cost the same as a day pass, so we got season passes to Sea World! I was so excited.

We went to the awesome dolphin show. Sean was already tired of pictures.

I wanted to be him. Growing up, being a dolphin trainer was my dream job.

We both agreed that the dolphin show was the best one.

Then we went to the sea lion and sea otter show. Pretty cute.

Next, we went and saw Shamu. 

Then, of course, Sean made me go through the shark encounter. If you know me at all, you know I have a phobia of sharks. Not a fear. Phobia.

You may not be able to see my mouth, but you can see the fear in my eyes.

Inside the shark encounter, forcing a smile.

My baby loves sharks. What a pair we are.

Looking at penguins. They were cute, I wanted one.

Polar Bears

Sean liked the big ugly fish.

The Bayside Skyride. Poor kid was so done with pictures. I'm not even posting half the ones I took.

After Sea World, we went to La Jolla cove, one of Sean's favorite places to go while he lived here. I had never been. It was beautiful!

Sea Lions sunbathing.

The guy we asked to take our picture was hilarious.

The next day we went to Old Town. It's a super cool place with tons of stuff to see (still tired of pictures).

Signs like these are just begging for people like Sean to touch.

We headed to Mission Beach afterwards. It was overcast and windy but it was still beautiful.

At this point, he wouldn't smile for the camera, so I managed to get a picture like this out of him. Ugly pictures are more fun anyways.

We drove to downtown San Diego to look around. We saw some really cool ships. 

It was pretty windy. 

Dinner at an incredible Mexican food restaurant.

The next morning was the big drive home. I woke up feeling extremely sick, so the 11 hour drive was miserable. In Vegas we stopped by the Pawn Stars pawn shop (one of our favorite TV shows). It was pretty awesome. I'm retarded, I can't figure out how to rotate this picture. Sorry.

The next day was Seani's birthday! The poor birthday boy's wife was sick, so I couldn't spoil him as much as I wanted to. I managed to make him breakfast and give him his presents. He went to the gym, because nothing makes him happier than spending a couple hours at the gym (he also got to try out his new fat gripz I bought him) and in my sick, drugged state, I lamely attempted to decorate our apartment with birthday decorations. When he got home from the gym, we went with his sister Ashley, brother in law Karl, nephew Trey, and best friend Zach to do indoor surfing. 

Isn't he sooo good?

Lunch at Happy Sumo

That night Ashley and Karl had a fun group over for a little dinner party for Sean. We played games and had yummy chili. I'm so grateful to them for making Sean's birthday special. I was so sick I felt like I couldn't do anything special for him.

This past week has been quite a party. And this Sunday his mom is having us over for another birthday dinner.  Sean and I are so blessed with wonderful friends and family who made his day so special.

Friday, January 13, 2012


Growing up, I promised myself I would never marry a man I didn't know through and through. I'd heard horror story after horror story. I didn't want my marriage to be one of those stories and have surprises pop up after the honeymoon. This is why Sean and I dated for over a year before we married, and we knew each other a lot longer than that (Can you believe I met him when I was 18?). I can honestly say with him, there are surprises. But as for any bad surprises, there are none. None. I am so lucky to have a man who treats me perfectly. But I have to say, he does have little things that definitely surprised me, and most of them are so funny I have to write them down so I will never forget the adjustments we have had to make. For one, he's a hoarder. Too harsh of a word? Maybe. He's nothing like those sick people on the TV show Hoarders, but he won't throw anything away. I was going through our closet, trying to organize and get rid of old junk. I didn't throw any of Sean's stuff away, but I made a pile of things for him to go through that I figured he'd probably want to get rid of. He came home and we kept 99% of that pile. Everything had a memory associated with it. I guess it's his own way of keeping a journal? I think that is so cute of him. Other things, he wouldn't throw away because let's face it, he's just plain weird (I love him and his weirdness). He wouldn't throw away arcade tickets from before his mission because "you never know when you might need them".
Another surprise, (I don't know how I missed this while we were dating) he has bat hearing. And I'm quite the opposite. I blast our TV all the time, I think I may have some hearing loss (I blame my brother who, growing up, would blast our surround sound whenever we'd watch a movie; guaranteed our neighbors down the street could hear every movie we watched). Sean, on the other hand, hears the tiniest thing, so when he has the TV remote, I'm always asking "What did she say?" or "Did they say 'this' or 'this'." Then Sean will tease me by putting on the captions like I'm an old, deaf person. Get this: his hearing actually improves while he's asleep. In the middle of the night if I need to get up for something, I hold my breath and tip-toe around, but without fail, every time: "I'm trying to sleep, quit being so loud!" Yeah, this is a dumb one, but it's taken a lot of adjusting for the both of us.
Another big surprise, he can't EVER be late. Whenever we go to any family/friend gathering we are always the first ones there. I used to be the kind of person who was "fashionably late" but that changed when I married Sean. He won't commit to a lot of events because he doesn't like to over schedule himself (even with is own wife. I'll ask him if he wants to go to a movie Tuesday, he always answers 'maybe' because he doesn't like to commit to something then have to break that commitment later if something else comes up). I'm the kind of person who just says yes to everything and finds herself stressed out trying to make it to every event. Sean has changed that about me. He's very organized with his time, and like I said, is never late. He'll tell me what time we're leaving (which is at least half an hour before I would have left if I were going alone) and if I'm not ready at that time, he's forcing me out the door. I gotta say, now that I'm used to it I really like it about him. He thinks it's rude and puts everyone out if someone shows up late. He's such a courteous person and I really love that about him.
Another surprise--he sleep talks. This is my favorite one. It is probably the most hilarious thing in the world. I can have conversations with him in his sleep. One time, I woke up to him saying, “It’s nothing to die for, but its nice to have something to die for.” Another time, he was asleep and I was doing homework. I leaned over him to grab something off his night stand, and my chest slightly rubbed his face and he said, “Mmmm boobies. Big, big-ity boobies.” He'll kill me for posting that, but it's just too funny to not write down. Another night, I woke up to him saying, “It’s like a stroller, just put 'em up there and tie the strings together.” I think he was talking about our nieces and nephew. It's really fun to have conversations with him, because he responds to every question I ask. I can't get too far into a conversation because I always end up laughing so hard, he wakes up while he's talking and becomes confused and delirious. Then he'll say "Don't laugh at me!" and roll over. It's the funniest thing in the world.
This feels like a very unfair post. I know Sean has had to adjust to a whole lot of things I do that are much worse (like the way I get midnight hunger and rummage through the fridge at 3 am making him think someone's in our apartment, or my long showers that steal all the hot water, or my obsession with organization and cleanliness that forces him to put certain things in certain places or his wife will lose it-I blame my job as a secretary, I wasn't like that before). I'd say I'm super blessed to have a man that is exactly how he was while we dated. No surprises (except the good ones).